Then came the darkness before the light.

Jan 23, 2006 01:24

For a change work was a bit more interesting although that wasn't until later on. There was a new guy, Jeff, who was training so I had to keep an eye on him today at the request of the manager. Joe never showed up so that didn't go over well with the managers since he didn't call out. I barely exchanged two words with Jeff until half way through the day.

Whenever possible I escaped my register to do other things- restock the soda room with popcorn, make nachos, reload the receipt printer. Whatever it took to not deal with people at times.

Around 3:15-3:30 the power flickered and went out on us. The back up lights came on and people were all confused and the others had to add up orders on the calculator. It wasn't a fire so we didn't immediately evacuate. Managers were rushing all over the place trying to turn off the alarm that was sounding, customers were whining and complaining. Ushers were giving out readmission tickets and then we started to get people out. Some of us concessionists were going around checking the theaters to make sure they were empty since some people were dumb enough to sit in dark theaters for more ten or fifteen minutes. Then a bunch of us- concessionists and ushers went out the back doors to where the meeting point is. We waited out back and we could see people leaving and some even asked us if we'd be opening up again shortly. Hello, we have no power! As the oldest of the group I felt like the leader for the time being.

Eventually Mr. Pearson came and let us back inside where all us workers gathered and just hung around since we couldn't do anything. Us concessionists did some of the stuff we usually do before leaving- combining, restocking stuff, etc. It was funny with the people outside looking in on us as we just sat around doing next to nothing while they stood outside freezing. Haha!

The people who actually stuck around out front kept buzzing the front door which rings the phone inside. People were wanting to come back in, to use the bathroom, or just annoy us. Jason kept answering the phone and telling people that they could not come back in.

Turns out it might have been a transformer that blew. Someone said it looked like fireworks when it blew out on the Pike.

Eventually we let people back in around 5 when we played two of the movies over again. The most amusing thing with that was when a boy ran inside, past the concession stand, announcing that he had to go to the bathroom. Thanks for announcing that to us, kid, as you run by us at top speed. We enjoyed the entertaining moment you provided us with. By then we had only one register opened and I was cleaning while the others did the running and dealing with people. As the oldest of the group I decided to do other stuff since I'd been dealing with people all day and would rather clean, do trash and make up more nachos.

Aside from that it was a normal day for a Sunday. Oh, and on break I found $20 so that makes me $20 richer. Whoot!

In a little over two week I'll be 23. Damn, I'm getting old. I want to do something with the gang but don't know what. Maybe the diner or something. Hopefully it will actually happen unlike last year where they ignored my plans of going bowling or shooting pool. God forbid we do something I want for my birthday. Everyone jumps to do stuff for everyone else's but mine they decide they have other plans, even when I make plans several weeks ahead of time.

birthday, work, money

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