Is it January or June?

Jan 15, 2006 02:16

Can someone tell me what is up with the damn weather? Today started off warmish with clouds then it rained during the afternoon and into the early evening. Sometime after I got home the winds picked up and it was blowing the rain into the windows, making it sound like hail, unless it was hail or sleet but didn't realize it. Then around 10:30 or so it proceeded to snow. We can get up to an inch by morning. Then around midnight it was thundering and lightening out. Hello, Mother Nature, please pick one weather pattern/season and stick with it. We do not need everything all in the course of a few hours.

Work was okay today I guess, not so busy but since I was on the opposite side of the stand my opinion doesn't count all that much I guess. Instead of icee issues today it was hot dog issues. People were buying them left and right the first hour or so but we had no buns out. We had to get more from upstairs and they were frozen so we kept having to tell people to come back later on if they wanted them. Real fun that was. At least the icee machine is up and working once more though. And I grow tired of customers complaining about our prices. We are all aware that they are outrageous but complaining to the manager will do you no good. Complain to National Amusements since they are in charge. Besides, we aren't forcing you to buy anything. Either eat before coming or sneak something in like normal people.

I work tomorrow and Monday 12:15 to 5:15 and the same again next Saturday and Sunday. Let's just say I'm not looking forward to Monday since kids have off from school.

I started working on my mood theme once more and I actually am getting somewhere for a change. I have like four or five more moods that need images and then I can upload it and attempt to do whatever it is that needs to be done so I can use the damn thing, not that I have any idea what to do until I read the instructions for it. Those last few moods are proving to be a pain to find images for though.

weather, work, mood theme

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