A bunch of dull days.

Aug 11, 2005 12:35

In two hours time I'll be at work, but since I'm swing shift it'll be my luck that I'll be sent home early. Tomorrow I'm off and then I work Saturday morning and Sunday night. And next week I have only 12 hours.

On Saturday night Stef, Jenn, Brittany, Steve, Yuriy and I went to play pool. We were supposed to go bowling originally but Lucia messed up her hair when dying it so plans changed because of the time. I was teamed with with both the guys at times and it was fun. After that we went to the diner.

Yesterday Mom, Stef and I ran to K-Mart. I ended up buying a few books since I haven't gotten any lately and have been wanting something new to read. Lately I've been wanting a new pair of jeans but since I couldn't find anything I liked I didn't buy any. After that we stopped at Aunt Mary's for a bit then got McDonald's for dinner and came home.

Stefanie and Mallory might go to the mall tomorrow, depending on if they can get someone from Mallory's to do one way. If so I might see if I can tag along. I've been wanting to do to the mall for a while and this might a chance to go.

Yesterday I got one of the two articles I requested from the Columbia County Historical and Genealogy Society. It didn't give as much information as I had hoped. I'm going to have to look around online and see if it is possible to get a copy of the court records for the trial. Hopefully the obituary will come soon. And I'm still waiting for the funeral home information I sent for almost two weeks ago. I also emailed someone who does obituary look-ups. I'm hoping that maybe the person can find me the obituary for Lewis Lesnefsky.

work, genealogy

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