a completely mind-boggling event

Apr 24, 2005 13:58

The setting: 1pm, Sunday afternoon. Late April. Ohio. Blizzard. (more on that later). SUV outside my kitchen window, as I make oatmeal and try to defrost my brain. good looking tall dark haired guy gets out of the suv, wanders around front of the house smoking. i lose interest. a few minutes later, enraged screeching comes from the SUV. i look up. a beautiful girl in a rather expensive looking parka, has her arm out the window of the truck, and is trying to scrape the 4 inches of snow off of the windshield, from inside, with a small blue plate. she flails furiously, without avail, for a few minutes; then, pouting, she pulls her arm back inside the truck and shoves the plate back at her boyfriend. he sighs, rolls his eyes, and gets out of the truck. he then proceeds to half-heartedly push some of the snow off, with the same blue plate. bored, he gets back in the SUV and, after spinning his tires for a bit, lurches off.

and all i could think was, you aren't from around here.

(neither am i, for that matter - fortunately- but y'know, i'm familiar with the latitude. and have been here for four years. i pay rent, i support local businesses, ohio takes money from my paycheck- fuck, i registered and voted here. enough has been said already on that subject. i might hate it, but i live here, and care about this place. )

so yeah. it's not that it's terribly cold. i love winter. it's my favorite season. i would just like to point out that i was wearing fucking SHORTS last week, because it was 85 degrees and the only thing i hate more than shorts is sweating due to temperature. hard work, hard play- these are acceptable sweat-inducing situations. not weather. however, i don't live in canada yet, and so i accept the fact that heat happens, especially in late april. the problem is, when it's 65 degrees one day, and 30 and snowing two days later, it's a bit of a fucking shock.
thus, i find myself doing stupid things. like standing on tip-toe so i can stretch my sweatshirt over the cooking saucepan of oatmeal, and let the steam go up my shirt.

and... staring at the computer screen blankly. it's so cold i can't think enough to fuck around online. hell, i don't even want to masturbate cause my hands and vibrator are equally freezing.

its 2pm. i was supposed to be finishing up the end of my workout right now. but it's so cold that even delusions of placing in the triathlon in 3 weeks can't budge me from my chair. it might be cold in here, but it's not snowing. and the last thing that i want to do is scrape the car, drive to the gym, plunge into frigid water, get out, and go back into even more cold. i just can't do it.

right. its a good thing i don't have any particular things to do til 6pm dinner date with monster. i'm going back to bed to huddle and try to read some plays.

stay warm, fellow mid-westerners, and the rest of you- why the hell aren't you doing your part??? get in my bed, and warm me up now. i'm gonna get hypothermia here!!
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