
Sep 15, 2010 12:10

[One of the TV channels on the Guide is showing a behind the scenes look at Cosplay Barn's month-long blowout sale. If you happen to turn on in the middle, you'll see a a blue-skinned man with a unicorn horn coming out of his forehead standing in the middle of several models, waving his arms and giving loud and enthusiastic directions.]

Okay, I need Catwoman! Where is my Catwoman?

[The picture blurs for a bit, then settles on Yoruichi, dressed up like Catwoman as played by Halle Berry, lounging in a chair with her legs hanging over one of the arms.]

Good! Fabulous! Now, doll, I need you to strut around and act like a cat.

[Yoruichi doesn't move, but her lips pull into a bit of a smirk beneath her mask.]

Like a cat, hm~? I'm sure I could handle that.

[She stands up, then goes over to one of the couches where another model is sitting, dressed like Superman and eating a plate full of snacks.]

[She perches on the arm of the chair, and stares at him.]

[And stares.]

[And stares some more, seemingly unconcerned that he's starting to squirm. When he nervously offers her the plate of food, she smiles and accepts, popping a snack into her mouth.]

[Then goes back to staring and moving a little closer into his personal bubble.]

[Finally, he gets up, babbling that he needs to be somewhere else. Yoruichi then slides over the couch arm, sprawling across the entire free couch as though she owns it, taking up far more space than one would think possible with as small as she is. And she never once drops that plate of food.]

So, how was that?

[She sounds terribly casual, and continues to lay on her back with one leg dangling to the floor. The plate of food rests on her stomach, and she continues to eat as though nothing odd has happened in the slightest. The director, on the other hand, looks and sounds frazzled.]

No, no, NO!! That was all WRONG! And where is your whip--I told you to always carry your whip around, fanboys love that!


[ooc: So responses go to her Guide somehow; also open to action tags from coworkers!]

shihouin yoruichi

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