10 [Accidental Video]

Aug 23, 2010 11:17

[The guide is falling. There is a crash. And a bang. And then a yelp and a hiss as the video feed shows a very angry black cat bristling at an adorable, bumbling corgi puppy who is trying to pounce on her tail. The cat springs for the wall and sticks to it, glaring at the puppy with a look of smug superiority as she proceeds to walk up the wall towards the ceiling. The puppy looks confused for a moment before he tries to climb the wall after her.]

[And slips back down again.]


[He starts whining, and then immediately perks up as the 'clack clack' sound of approaching geta gets louder.]

My my, you two are so noisy in here! You'll wake Yoruichi-san from her nap and then you'll be in trouble which I won't be bailing you out of this time~

[Urahara stoops to pick up his guide and notices that it's on and immediately smiles cheerfully.]

Sorry about that! These two can get a little rowdy at times~

[There's a weird noise of something coming unstuck, and Shaolin the cat lands on the sofa having fallen off the ceiling just before he cuts the video.]

[Gringo Filter]
Is there anything new to report regarding the situation with the girl and poor Mr. Elric?

[Alfred Filter]

Kyouraku-san, Soi Fong-san, Ise-san, my apologies for not mentioning this earlier. I have created some coding for the Guides that enable us to communicate in private. Ukitake-san has already contacted some of you using it, as I took the liberty of sending the necessary coding when I became aware of your arrival.

urahara kisuke

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