[Private to Fai]
Hey, Fai? Can I ask you something?
[after the filter, she sets the guide back down; she's down on the planet, in a stream in fact. Not by the stream, in it, her dress hitched up to reveal white shorts underneath. The Guide, thankfully, is on the close edge of the stream. What's she doing?
Panning for gold. Not that she expects to find any. Though she wouldn't mind if she did find some...]
Anyone try their own mining yet? It's fun! If nothing else, there's a lot of beautiful rocks... It's really amazing what a planet can make on its own.
...ah? [There's a yellow gleam in the pan, and she rifles through the silt with one already messy hand, fishing a piece of fool's gold out.] Ah! I almost got excited, too. Well, it's still pretty. [She brushes a strand of hair back, streaking dirt lightly on her face--even with the dress hitched up she's getting plenty dirty at this, oh yes. Not that she cares one bit. After a minute or so of this, she starts saying without looking at the communicator:]
Hey...if even materia is being found...then at least some of the Planet's wisdom is still... [She purses her lips, then shakes her head.] Nah, it's a silly thought. The dirt really isn't so important, you know? What makes a world precious is the life in it.
[OOC: And hey, if you want your character panning for gold too, feel free to have them nearby?]