'cause i don't feel like dancing ♥ "accidental" video ♥ backdated to right before the event

Aug 01, 2010 20:24

[there's a rustle as the Guide turns on; the screen seems to be partially obscured by some sort of clothing, and as the rustling continues, it becomes apparent that someone is trying to hide the lense from the view of any other members in the room while it can still take video.]

[once satisfied with her placement, Renge backs up, and you can see her ( Read more... )

hope estheim, renge houshakouji

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[Action] Should we mention that this is backdated? good_breakfast August 2 2010, 03:36:05 UTC
[Whirls around after shutting off the feed.]

What were you thinking!?


[Action] aspfr - yes. ukidoki_orgasm August 2 2010, 03:41:51 UTC
...what do you mean?


Re: [Action] ^_^ good_breakfast August 2 2010, 03:48:30 UTC
After the whole nurse thing, do you really think I want the whole ship to see me doing something like this?


Re: [Action] ukidoki_orgasm August 2 2010, 04:24:38 UTC
No~! I think you needed to get over any fears you have over doing so in public~!


Re: [Action] good_breakfast August 2 2010, 04:35:15 UTC
Yeah. Gradually!


Re: [Action] ukidoki_orgasm August 2 2010, 04:46:31 UTC
...Gradual behavior is for sissy pants.


Re: [Action] good_breakfast August 2 2010, 05:12:35 UTC
Or sane people.


Re: [Action] ukidoki_orgasm August 2 2010, 05:16:36 UTC
...No. Sissy people.

[arms folded across her chest.]

Now, come on. Get up. Let's try again.


Re: [Action] good_breakfast August 2 2010, 05:19:39 UTC
[You no he can't say no to you Renge.]

Fine. But on one condition.


Re: [Action] ukidoki_orgasm August 2 2010, 05:21:07 UTC
Okay. What condition?


Re: [Action] good_breakfast August 2 2010, 05:33:36 UTC
No recording the lessons.

[And then he swallows his pride.]

Atleast... not yet.


Re: [Action] ukidoki_orgasm August 2 2010, 05:34:43 UTC

Shake on it.

[proffers hand because, hey, he said 'yet'.]


Re: [Action] good_breakfast August 2 2010, 08:17:32 UTC

[He shakes. Of course he said yet. It was the only way he could think of to make her agree. He'll try and weasel his way out of it later. And then he adds rather sheepishly.]

I'm sorry I dropped you.


Re: [Action] ukidoki_orgasm August 2 2010, 08:29:29 UTC
I'm sorry I dropped you first.


Now, want to try it again?


Re: [Action] good_breakfast August 3 2010, 06:34:35 UTC
[A sigh.]

We're going to try it again whether I say no or not, aren't we?


Re: [Action] ukidoki_orgasm August 3 2010, 06:36:05 UTC

Now come here~!


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