Aug 01, 2010 20:24
[there's a rustle as the Guide turns on; the screen seems to be partially obscured by some sort of clothing, and as the rustling continues, it becomes apparent that someone is trying to hide the lense from the view of any other members in the room while it can still take video.]
[once satisfied with her placement, Renge backs up, and you can see her in some weird 80's space work out outfit looking a little tired and haggled as she starts on a ramble:]
Dancing is a lot like acting. You're doing it for an audience!
[And Hope can be seen in the background, wearing an uncomfortably tight orange monstrosity, with an unamused look on his face. He had expected Renge to get bored of this weeks ago].
YOU~ Mon cheri, you are a performer! And the dance floor is your stage! And your partner is your prop and your director and your backdrop and your fellow actor at the same time, so you have to watch their back!
[she pauses, hands on her hips and thinking of her next comment.]
And if you mess up, people will laugh at you. Boo you off stage, even.
[A confused look comes over Hope's face as he tries to keep up with Renge's logic.]
Prop and director and…
[He gives up and just moves on]
...Whatever. So what's the lesson today?
Yes, dips!
..... what's a dip?
[she pauses for a bit and then sighs, motioning with her hand for Hope to come up to her and "ASSUME THE POSITION" - and by that I mean dancing position.]
I'll show you.
[He groans, but he's gotten used to this by now. Reluctantly, he steps forward, takes Renge's hand and places a hand on her waist.]
Okay. Count of three. One, two -
[She doesn't get to three before all but flinging him backward in the most dramatic dip you may have ever seen. She doesn't even know if she can actually hold him to bring him back up on his feet, but you gotta learn how to fall if you're gonna dance.]
[Hope yelps in surprise as he's dipped back and falls flat on his back.]
Oh - oh damn! Hope, darling, are you alright!? You're - eh, you're not really supposed to, like, drop your partner. But it's usually the man who does the dip anyway and…uh…
It was a very graceful fall?
[He clambers back up.]
Yeah, thanks. Do I get to drop you now?
AHAH. No. No - funny, Hope, but no. If you drop me, I will have to hit you with my shoe. [Nod nod.] We've discussed this, mon cheri. Now come on - get up. Let's try again.
[she pats his back and spins into the dancing position, guiding his hands as she does so.]
Yeah. I think so.
[the light waltz music is still playing in the background, and as they begin to step, Renge counts down from five to symbolize when he's supposed to dip her, and right on two braces herself for the dip and~ -]
[On one, Hope dips her, while facing the camera and actually looks like he's having alot of fun... until he looks directly in the camera's direction, sees a little blinking red light, and promptly drops Renge as his expression changes from a dorky smile to O_O]
Renge... is your guide on?
[He doesn't sound angry so much as he does terrified.]
Well…I said it was like having an audience, right?
You mean... everybody just saw me…?
[Trails off. White as a sheet.]
[His face matches his hair.]
Yup~! [She is so proud of herself, too.]
[And without another word, he dashes forward toward the guide and shuts it off.]
[feed terminated]
hope estheim,
renge houshakouji