Jul 30, 2010 22:49
[It's one of those crazy accidental feeds, guys. Bear with us; right now it's a quaint breakfast. Or maybe it's a snack. Who knows whether Yoite's had a breakfast or twelve already, but he doesn't have his giant Gatsby cap on yet, nor even his black coat. Just a beige turtleneck for your viewing pleasure. Miharu's cat is on the table (cats should not be on tables but Miharu's last cat was allowed to do whatever it wanted because it was immortal and stuff so he probably spoils this one too) and she's doing cat things with her cat paws. How opportune, that she should walk all over the Guide till it turns on.
Yoite's got half a grapefruit on a plate. Nearby there's the sound of dishes being handled - that would be Miharu. He's probably getting silverware or something, because generally people eat grapefruit with a spoon and Yoite hasn't got one.
Thirty seconds is far too long to wait, though. Yoite might just die of starvation if he doesn't eat his delicious fruit right the hell now. Okay, no, he won't, but he is pretty hungry and he wants the goddamn snack. So, with the sort of earnest face that he generally only wears when he's being a bitch or defending Miharu's honor or whatever, he lifts the grapefruit and proceeds to bite into half of the thing all at once.
It squirts. Right into his eye. That is a pretty big burst of citric acid, folks. Acid on the surface of your eyeball does not take very long to process and so he immediately drops both his jaw and the fruit, looking quite startled, as if he has no idea what just happened.
He has no idea what just happened.]
Miharu, I can't see. I have a headache.
[No, that's not the right way to describe it. Rather, and now with 30% more panic,]
It's burning. Ow, ow, ow--
[What with all of the grapefruit commotion, Yukimi the cat skitters away and kicks the Guide off.]