Jul 09, 2010 22:59

[As the feed comes on, you are greeted by a horrible screeching and various other cawing.  An elderly hand reaches down to pick up the Guide and as it turns, you are greeted with a golden bearded face who looks very distraught and tired.   He fumbles with the guide for a few moments and, considering technology escapes him because he is old, he forgets to turn off the record function.]

[He stands and sets the Guide back on a side table, giving the viewer a good look at the sources of the screeching.  It appears two velociraptors, one in a tube top, the other wearing a very appropriate wife beater, are currently having an argument.  Hohenheim sits in a chair between them and proceeds to look awkward and miserable.] see.  I'm not exactly the best person to come to in regards to--

[The female velociraptor screeches angrily at the male, who then in turn screeches at Hohenheim]

Well, that's all well and good.  I think it's perfectly within your right to have a say in how many children you ha--

[More angry screeching.]

Yes, but...I understand that she might eat the babies once they hatch but that shouldn't--

[The female screeches loudly and leaps up onto the desk threateningly.]

I don't think insulting my mother will--

[The female just turns and ignores Hohenheim, instead focusing her attention back onto the male, screeching horribly.  The two continue to "argue."]

Ah...if you'll both excuse me, I need a drink of water.  [He stands.]

I'll be right back.

[And with that, Hohenheim wanders out of the room and...doesn't. Come back.  The feed times out about fifteen minutes later as the Velociraptors patiently wait for absolutely nothing.]

(OOC: Yes Hohenheim is a planned parenthood counselor.  Yes, I know I'm a horrible person.)

van hohenheim

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