07 [video]

Jul 04, 2010 02:56

 [Urahara is chilling on the sofa reading a large book with a big goofy grin, and he's absolutely enthralled by it.]

Did you know that the term 'dinosaur' was coined in 1842 by an English palaeontologist called Richard Owen? It means 'terrible, powerful, wondrous lizard' and is derived from the Greek words deinos and sauros. And that the first remains of dinosaurs were mistaken in ancient China for the bones of dragons?

[He glances up at the ceiling- there's a weird sound of something coming unstuck- and Urahara whips off his hat and holds it out just in time to catch a small, falling black thing. A few seconds later, Shaolin the Ceiling Cat pokes her head out, looking dazed. Unconcerned by this- it's a regular occurrence around here, he pets the cat's head while continuing.]

I've always wanted a Lufengosaurus.

[He holds up his book and shows off a picture of said dinosaur.]

Do you suppose the planet will have one?

urahara kisuke

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