Jan 18, 2010 12:55
[The Guide shows... a classroom! Standing at the head is Heero, jotting down notes on the board (which seems to be some kind of strange advanced touch-tablet board, rather than a chalk or whiteboard) as he speaks to the class]
I take it you've all finished your readings of Aurelius' Meditations, Machiavelli's The Prince, Paine's Common Sense, and Total Pacifism. From this day forward, we'll also be looking at readings from outside of Earth, including those of Surak, Ja'el-Ru, and Kahless.
[He half-turns to face the class, to address them]
As those of you without.. sufficient reason to be exempt know, today was the due date for your essays. Please remember that while the essay topic is "Why Governments Fail", it is more or less a rhetorical question. You may argue against the idea in any way you wish, you may give reasons for the demise of several forms of government versus the long-lasting survival of others, or you may argue any other point you wish around this topic. Whatever you decided to write your essay on, as long as it is supported by facts, is fine.
[He ceases his writing, and turns to face the class more fully]
Starting today, we'll be going over each of your essays and discussing them- playing devil's advocate to them. I hope that each of you have built up sufficient evidence and researched enough into your subjects to be able to discuss your thesis properly; we'll be working on these essays for the remainder of the time I am working with you, in order to build them up into more solid, thoughtful pieces, and in order for you each to develop your own views on the political sciences.
Who would like to go first?
heero yuy