two || video

Jan 15, 2012 17:15

[ Something is different about Aang, not that he notices it himself. Appa notices, and anyone who knows him well might be able to as well. There's a specific kind of look in his eye, it's playful, confident, and even a bit devious. One things for sure, this isn't a look he wears often.

Aang stands in the hangar, with an advanced stereo like thing behind his legs. There's also a giant furry mass that takes up almost all of the background in the picture. ]

Good evening passengers on the Thor. [ He's grinning, even at what he says next. ] Look, I'm sure we're all all tired of feeling scared, tense and whatever else about this black hole. Can anyone think of a reason why we shouldn't turn all of these negative feelings into something positive?

It's time we liven this place up by having a giant dance party! [ Aang declares, as if he's been waiting for that moment all night. ] If we're gonna die, we might as well go out having as much fun as we can. There's plenty of room in the hangar, so everyone's invited.

I got this thing a little while ago, but I don't know how to run it. [ He steps out of the way of the stereo. ] So I'll need someone to show me how, but if there's a live band on the ship somewhere, that would be even better! I can pay you~ [ It's an incentive. ]

[ He's still grinning. ] There's plenty of food and refreshments. [ Aang points to guide toward a table full of different kinds of pies. ] Let's get a lot of people down here! We're even going to have some prizes to give away. [ That last parts a lie. He has no prizes. Just don't ask him how he got the money for this stuff. ]

[ ooc: I will post an open log for everyone to jump into if they want! Also, Aang is sort of... inhibitionless. He's still Aang, he's just not as timid, and interested in playing it safe. ]


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