Second | Crona and Maka | Video

Jan 10, 2012 22:13

[the recording starts off with a close-up of a blue tank top with a little cute panda with a red bow in the middle. once this said person takes a few steps back, it is revealed to be maka, and she plops herself on her bed smiling at the guide but only giving the recording its brief attention. her main focus is somewhere off screen to her right.]

C'mon, don't be shy.

[she beckons whoever she's talking to.]

I already told them my name once. [Crona's voice comes from off screen, tone somewhere between nervous and annoyed.] They should know it.

Yeah, but there's been a lot of new people since then. Besides, you wanted to ask them a question, didn't you?

... You can ask them. I don't know how to deal with introducing myself.

Here, I'll help you!

[she gets up and wanders somewhere off camera.]

It'll be fine, I promise. Just think of all the new friends you'll make! And I bet there's plenty of people who'd love to be your friend.

[maka reappears in the recording only this time not alone, in hand, she tugs along crona.]

-- Now, sit right here in the middle.

[Crona fidgets, looks down at Maka's hand, at the bed, at the floor, at anywhere but the lens of the camera, but Crona does eventually sit down, right there in the middle like Maka said.]

Alright. Now, look at the recording and say your name.

[and as she instructs her friend on what to do, she climbs on the bed herself.]

[This is embarrassing on a few different levels, but the pink-haired teen looks up, awkward and blushing slightly grey.] ... Hello. I'm Crona.

No, no. Not like that! You've gotta smile, too.

[Smiling is a difficult thing for Crona, who never learned to smile except out of a real (rare) outflow of honest emotions. But maybe Maka is right and smiles are important. So Crona thinks about it, and finds a careful smile to show for the camera.] Hello. My name is Crona.

[Maka peeks up behind her friend with a huge smile on her face too.]

-- And I'm Maka!

[she giggles, fully aware that everyone knows her - but she just wanted to be silly.]

[Crona's smile gets a little wider at that, and the meister glances back at Maka, gaining a little confidence from Maka's enthusiasm.] I was wondering what jobs people liked, and what jobs might be good for someone who... doesn't know how to deal with jobs.

Please give us a reply back! We would love to hear from you. Have a nice night, everyone!

crona and ragnarok, maka albarn

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