Dec 30, 2011 22:20

❖ filtered away from Yoruichi ❖

[ And for the instalment #238437473 of No One Cares, Suì-Fēng, today she's greeting ("greeting") the refugees with her usual frown™. If there's anything different about her it's the fact she's wearing a white coat, a stethoscope around her neck. That's right, she was a doctor this month, but you'd very much not want to be her patient, as she's categorically refusing to touch anyone with a ten foot pole. Good luck to you if you're sick, it ain't her business.

Would you happen by her workplace, however, you'd find her there.

She clears her throat. ]

As some of you might already know, the first of January is a special day. It will be Yoruichi-sama's birthday, and I am quite sure some of you need elucidations about what would make a proper gift and what wouldn't.

To begin with, you need to keep in mind at all times Yoruichi-sama is-- [ nope. ] --was the princess of the Shihouin clan. As such, any gift she might receive shall be appropriate. I have compiled a short, easy list. It should be very clear, when in doubt ask me first.

✔✘⚫ jewelry (not rings)⚫ flowers⚫ food (cakes, cookies, chocolates)⚫ any kind of alcohol⚫ handmade objects (if appropriate)⚫ giftcards to inappropriate stores/places⚫ clothes (if appropriate)⚫ lingerie/swimsuits⚫ weapons⚫ anything cheapThat should be all.

❖ private to Yoruichi ❖

Uhm, Yoruichi-sama, I apologize for bothering you, but-- could you possibly have already decided how you're going to spend the first day of the year? It might be a bit early, I'm aware...


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