video || track 06 || ups and downs

Dec 26, 2011 21:54

[It's that familiar up-the-nose shot, though this kid has been oddly quiet lately. He's oddly quiet when the video starts, too, though he does pull it back so that it pans out to show his whole face rather than just his nostrils ( Read more... )

yosuke hanamoron

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Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 06:09:27 UTC
... Will you be fine by yourself?

[Their numbers seem to fluctuate constantly.]


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 06:12:39 UTC
I hope that's not your way of planning to leave too. I don't think I can handle that.

[He's teasing...sort of. But he's trying for you, at least.]


Re: Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 06:25:46 UTC
[Haha, she knows]

I'm not leaving. I already promised that I wouldn't.


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 06:30:53 UTC
[It's weird when he gets quiet, huh?]

...Good. Please don't.

[You're the only one who never does.]


Re: Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 06:32:16 UTC
[She knows she is which is why this bothers her]

... I haven't heard from Dojima-san either for some time.


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 06:35:04 UTC
[Sigh. Are you starting to get a headache? He sure is.]

He's gone, too. I don't know when, but it must have been before that stupid ice storm.


Re: Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 06:36:50 UTC
It's highly probable.

[She's use to it.]


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 06:39:30 UTC
[It's almost a year and a half for him, but he'll never get used to it. At least it doesn't feel like he will.]

Ugh. [And that angry tone is back.] It's like some kind of sick, screwed-up joke! I hate this place!


Re: Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 06:58:21 UTC
... I do too.

[She sighs. Her emotions are much better controlled.]


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 07:04:50 UTC
[Nothing new about that! His on the other hand, are all over as usual. He kicks his desk, and the lamp clatters to the floor.]

What kind of FREAKS kidnap people and lie to them and hold them hostage and don't even wormhole proof their STUPID SHIP?


Re: Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 07:23:27 UTC
Senpai, control yourself...

[Why is he doing that?]


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 07:28:37 UTC
[The lamp rolls to a stop and bumps the wall after he kicks it too, while talking to Minato. Sorry, Naoto, but boys do grief differently than girls.]

...Yeah. Sorry. I just- [frustrated sound. Losing your best friend is tough.] I can't believe this keeps happening. It feels really unfair.


Re: Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 07:37:27 UTC
... You're not going to disappear, are you?


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 08:07:20 UTC
Ugh, don't remind me.

[Or maybe she's looking for some reassurance here, too.]

...I mean, no. I definitely don't want to do that again. It gets more depressing every time, right?


Re: Voice pishirogane December 27 2011, 08:19:39 UTC
... I don't know. After you have all come and gone several times, it's almost... numb. It's beginning to near the point that I'm going to give up on anyone remaining.


Re: Voice yosukecantstop December 27 2011, 08:33:45 UTC
We'll all be back anyway. It's this big, endless cycle of leaving and appearing and amnesia and...I don't know.

[Thump. He's just gonna sit down and frown at the lamp, now.]

There's no point in caring, you're right about that. But how are people supposed to stop?


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