[Well, Thor, on the main channels there is going to be a new, blinking bit of mail, this one addressed to anyone and everyone who wants to read it ~]
The Nataraja School of Sword and Dance
proudly presents
The First Exhibition
December 29
7 P.M. at Nataraja
Seating given to those in need and then first come first served beginning at 6:30 P.M.
[That out of the way, anyone who is a student of Nataraja and his two instructors (Cain and Gakupo) will be receiving a second message - ]
After the exhibition, we will be holding a holiday party (a mixture of post-Christmas and pre-New Year's Eve). All students, instructors, and their families are invited, and everyone may bring a +1 at their discretion to the party.
I know you all have been working very hard and I know you will do wonderfully at the Exhibition. Keep up the good work, and if you feel that you wish extra practice before I will be holding later night practices every day up to December 28 (with the exceptions of Christmas Eve, the 24, and Christmas day, the 25 in observance of these holidays).
Good luck, and happy holidays.
- Ashura
(ooc: If you want to be a student, but were not aware of this school at first, I am totally willing to hand wave signing up and you can simply say you are a part of it. Totally fine with me! There will be a post (hopefully Dec. 29 or 30 barring any extenuating circumstances) in the logs area for both the Exhibition and the party after for some mingling! And despite what it says, anyone and everyone is welcome to crash afterwards, lol. Ashura will not turn you away from holiday cheer.)