Nov 25, 2011 23:44
[Here's Mieu, sitting at a desk, in a very high swiveling chair. He waves into the feed, spins around in the chair, and his ears flop everywhere.]
Wheeee! Hello, everyone! Welcome to Ask Mieu! Some of my friends got sick today and asked me to cover their advice corner, mieuuu, so here I am! They said they had food poisoning. It's so terrible...! I hope they get better soon!
Mieuuuu, you can call me, or text me, or video chat me! You can be anonymous or not! And I'll help you with your problems, mieuuu!
Like this, watch!
[Mieu picks scrolls on his computer, off to the side, and begins to read a letter aloud]
"Dear Mieu --"
Mieuuuu, that's me!
"Dear Mieu. My friend has been avoiding me, and I don't know why! What should I do?"
[and he swivels back to the feed, a his cheaglebrows furrowed in thought]
I'm sorry to hear that, Mieuuuu. If they're avoiding you, you should buy them some grass and give it to them! That way they'll know you want to be friends! If that doesn't work, you need to follow them until they notice you! That always works for me.
See? Mieuuuu, just send in your problems, and I'll do my best to help you!
[ooc; yeah guys seriously, go crazy here. comment to each other, comment anonymously, comment with a fake problem, comment using silly variations of your character's friend's names, comment with a real problem, etc! all threads are open to other people - and thus threadjacking - unless marked private. LET'S GET IT STARTED.]