"Chess On Ice" ◌ Broadcast Video ◌

Nov 20, 2011 23:42

[The feed starts with a flashy logo for the Galactic Winter Games, and Irene and Balthier are sitting primly behind a desk in a small room overlooking a curling rink.]

Good evening and welcome to our continuing coverage of the Galactic Winter Games. I am Irene Adler, joined by Balthier. We are now bringing you coverage of... curling. [Her tone falls a little flat at the word.]

[Balthier gives a skeptical look to Irene, and then the "game" on the rink down below their box seats, and then back up. The picture of utter fascination.] Is whatever that is down there common where you're from?

Not common, I'm afraid. [A beat of consideration-] Well, perhaps among the Scottish community. I have not seen it for myself before now. [Which makes them the perfect couple to announce on this game, clearly?]

Ah, so it's a cultural tradition? [It's the only nice way he could think of to say it was quaint and incredibly dull. Why else would anyone do this willingly?]
How... Oh who are we kidding, do they honestly need that many people to move a bloody rock?

Only in such a sport. I cannot say how it could possibly be so difficult- [She takes up a piece of paper from the desk and after skimming it reads aloud:]
The curler can induce a curved path by causing the stone to slowly turn as it slides, and the path of the rock may be further influenced by two sweepers with brooms who accompany it as it slides down the sheet, using the brooms to alter the state of the ice in front of the stone. A great deal of strategy and teamwork goes into choosing the ideal path and placement of a stone for each situation, and the skills of the curlers determine how close to the desired result the stone will achieve. This gives curling its nickname of "Chess On Ice".
... Small wonder the pace is so slow. [She rolls her eyes slightly.]

[Balthier isn't even trying to hide the disdain in his voice anymore, and he scoffs.] And something this boring is honestly classified as a sport? What is the Universe coming to?

[Only the fact that she is performing for an audience is keeping her somewhat diplomatic about all this. She nods her agreement, glances down to the ice, then looks over to him with a faintly mischievous smile.]
What suggestions would you make to have this game be more interesting?

[He just grins.] Dear, either those players need an honest to Faram pick-me-up, or we will.

[ooc: Irene and Bal. Call in and distract them from the boredom of curling! My Canada-muse will love you if you defend curling...]

balthier bunansa, irene adler

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