[Video] Scene 11 † Mining

Nov 15, 2011 19:18

[The image of a cavern roof glimmers in the dim lights flooded around, the image split by a green crystal on top of the guide. If one were to guess (and guess correctly), they could figure that the crystal fell and turned the video on. The sounds of tools striking the walls reverberates all around, but there's a faint scratching or... carving sound almost. Refugees have guides and right there, besides this one, is Oswald and he appears preoccupied, scratching at something blue with a small tool. He pauses, but then appears frustrated, tossing it away]


[He picks up another blue gem and begins to carve at it again.]

Hey! Lazy human! Get back to work!

[The scratching continues. A burly alien foreman comes over and leers down at Oswald]

You deaf?! I said get back to work!

[Nooope... more carving. The foreman grabs the stone Oswald's carving. A dark glint passes through his eyes and the foreman is sent flying into the opposite wall as the knight punches him in the face. Gems hanging on the roof rattle loose and fall onto the guide, turning it off as the irritated man rises to his feet.]


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