014 Respect Points || Video

Oct 31, 2011 21:27

[Guide shows a boat - no, no, a raft - inflatable- bobbing along in the fountain? Weird. Oh wait, no, it's Brittany and Rikku. Ok, ok, all is explained.

The two begin chanting, and oh is it ominous. Well, as ominous as it can possibly be given the actual words.]

Trick or treat, trick or treat, give me something good to eat! And if you don’t I don’t care, I’ll pull down your underwear~

...Wait, what if they're not wearing any underwear?

[A pause. Valid question.] Then that makes sense, cause floor 6 totally put out tonight.

They must be hiding something.

You think? Ooooooh, like what?

I don't know. [D'oi, Rikku, you silly girl.] They're hiding it.

If they're hiding it, it's gotta be pretty valuable, yeah? ...I bet it's the rest of their Super Size stash. Saving the biggest for the late night treaters.

Possibly. Though I don't know how anybody could hide something that big. I mean, Renge didn't even bother trying to hide hers. It was...everywhere!"

Yeah, Renge'd need a massive sack to keep all o' that under wraps.

You mean, like that one guy's? ...What was his name again?

Which guy?

The guy with the massive sack!

But there were so many!  [Wait for it, wait for it, bingo!]  ... Oh, oh, Spencer had a pretty sweet arrangement goin' on!

Yeah, him. Renge's still my fave, but he had the biggest package.

Mmhmm, Renge totally packed a nice one tonight. She made up for all those lamey Halloweenies out there that were just funking up the spirit. Ed.

Like, who gives out cereal, anyway? And not even in a bag! Just a bowl of dry wheat flakes cereal.

I got a rock.

No, we got bracelets.

No, like a hard rock.

Not the time, Britt. There're people he- er... well, watching.

[Brittany digs through her bag, pulling up a rather large undesirable.] ...No, Rikku, not like that. Just a rock. [Puts it back with a pout. Lame.] This sucks. Can we go to a place we know is gonna give us the goods?

You're reading my mind.

It's because I'm wearing your clothes...

Hee hee, right!  You know where we're going, then?

We're comin' to America...TODAY!

Yeah, we are!  We're sailin' to America!

[ooc:  For Halloween this year, Thor get's a Rikku-flavored Brittany and a Brittany-coated Rikku.  Guide response or action of any kind welcomed.  You will be harassed by both.  (I'll get to most replies tomorrow, though :D).  Red = both, orange = Brittany, black = Rikku]

rikku, brittany

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