[The Guide snaps on with a FWUMP as Bill sets his things down in 5-1. He stretches his arms out, scratches behind his ear... with his hand, not his foot, mind you.]
Man, I am not gonna miss slinging papers 'round. Next month, I gotta find a tougher job...
[As he's musing about it, looking a little lost in thought and looking ceiling-wards for answers...]
[... he bangs his foot against something lying on the floor. DON'T WORRY, IT'S COOL, he just recoils a bit before sizing up the situation.]
The hell?
[Someone has left
a shoulder-mounted laser cannon on the floor. Merry Konami-Code-mas, Bill.]
[Curious, he squats down and picks it up to examine it, tail already wagging because HEY IT'S A BIG GUN. After taking a look down the scope, he gives an impressed whistle.] Bet you could shoot down an Arwing with a blaster like this. Wonder how this got here?
[He inspects it for more clues, and finds something odd on the side, written in green.]
... Player 3? This some kinda nickname?
[[OOC: Yes, other characters can find the guns for Player 1, 2 or 4.]]