
Oct 27, 2011 13:53

[The feed turns on to show Yoruichi sitting at a desk at the front of a classroom full of young children, no older than six years old (and the odd older person screwed over by the employment system).]

[Aside from the fidgeting usual at that age, the children are well-behaved enough, only a few of them turning back to look at the camera and wave in what they think is a discreet manner]

So, today’s lessons are being recorded for those of you who couldn’t make it to school. I know you were all looking forward to--

[She breaks off, looking at the door as it opens, revealing a furious Byakuya strapped to an upright gurney.]

Truancy robot reporting with student #P584671; Kuchiki Byakuya.

[The voice comes from the gurney itself; serene and oddly soothing and totally at odds with the rage practically radiating off of Byakuya’s form.]

Ah, thanks. Take him to his desk, please.

[To no one’s surprise, Yoruichi sounds amused, the smile on her face remaining while the robot wheels over to Byakuya’s assigned desk and deposits him in his seat. It quietly wheels off afterwards, leaving behind a class full of tittering children.]

shihouin yoruichi, kuchiki byakuya

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