❼ ⋮ TEXT

Oct 25, 2011 22:16

If anyone is in need of a room-mate, fill the form below.
I'm interested in the seventh floor, but anywhere I would have enough personal space should be fine. If you already have a room-mate or two but are looking for one more and the place is spacious enough, I could accept.

What I can offer is:
  • privacy, as I will never touch something that does ( Read more... )


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private text knifedances October 25 2011, 21:35:37 UTC
Name: Ruri Hijiribe
Age: 21
Species: human
Particular skills: Flower arranging, playing the shamisen
Allergies: milk, tuna
Gender: It's a surprise~~~
World of origin: Jupiter
Experience with cats: I am an expert in pest control if this is what you're asking me.
Time spent on the Thor: too long
Wage level: CEO
Pets owned: 1 basking shark


private; supersedure October 25 2011, 21:37:09 UTC
Very amusing.


private; knifedances October 25 2011, 21:39:26 UTC
What? I was perfectly serious ♥


private; supersedure October 25 2011, 21:43:00 UTC
Is that so? And where do you keep your shark? In the bath?


private; knifedances October 25 2011, 21:49:19 UTC
That's right~ It makes bathing somewhat troublesome.


private; supersedure October 25 2011, 21:54:05 UTC
Do you really have nothing better to do with your time?

[ Careful what you answer here, she might sign you up for two or three new jobs next month. ]


private; knifedances October 25 2011, 21:59:52 UTC
It hardly took a minute, it's not as though I have serious business to attend to every moment of the day.

[He would sort of deserve it; so far he's only had nice, un-demeaning jobs]


private; supersedure October 25 2011, 22:50:04 UTC
So I see.

[ It's a date then. ]


private; knifedances October 25 2011, 23:10:26 UTC
I'm glad we understand each other. Did you receive any serious applicants?


private; supersedure October 25 2011, 23:23:13 UTC
Of course. What did you think?


private; knifedances October 25 2011, 23:35:55 UTC
That your request sounded a little...off-putting. I doubt many people would be interested in living with a friendless hermit who dislikes noise and sounds a little as though she may be one of those crazy ladies who surrounds herself with cats and talks to them as though they are her children. I'm sure this was not your intention, but you see my point.


private; supersedure October 25 2011, 23:44:01 UTC
No, I do not. Not that it's any of your business, but I am not a "friendless hermit" or anything of the sort. I'm practical. I don't like having people around because more often than not they are a hindrance. I see nothing wrong with that, and there are people who agree with me.

As for the cats, next time I'll give Liv permission to eat you, maybe then you will begin to appreciate smaller felines.


private; knifedances October 25 2011, 23:49:27 UTC
[Personally he's inclined to agree with her; he prefers to keep people neither too close nor to distant, and has little need close social interaction. But that is beside the point]

I didn't say you were a friendless hermit, only that your request seemed to portray you as such. It's the way you come across, you might want to consider re-wording it, if what you say is true.

And I don't see how I could possibly learn to appreciate anything if I have been eaten. Learning ceases with death.


private; supersedure October 25 2011, 23:52:19 UTC
You see, you are making a huge mistake here.

Thinking your opinion has any weight or influence on me.


private; knifedances October 25 2011, 23:58:24 UTC
[Well it should :T]

I would never presume as much. Though you clearly cared enough about how I perceived you to attempt to rectify the opinion I put forward~


private; supersedure October 26 2011, 00:01:33 UTC
[ In your dreams :'| ]

Let's put it this way, you are not the only one who had some spare time.


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