• // Three || Video \\ •

Oct 01, 2011 22:46

[See Sora.

See Sora wandering around in the dark, and since hey, his Guide totally doubles as a flash light and since his thumb accidentally decided to push record, all the camera takes in is the ground. The ground and the occasional over sized dark and light grey clown shoes.

And are those tights? Those are totally black and red tights. And ballon pants. They're all the rage in Halloween Town, okay. Or maybe that's just in Sora's mind. It's really hard to tell.

The feed continues on for a few more minutes, taking in much the same thing, since hey, it's Sora and he... is technology impaired at best.

And when he finally does realize it, and brings the camera up to his face, anyone who's seen him before will notice a drastic change. That change being his clothes (Don't bother mentioning how hideous they are, he'll just tell you you're jealous), the vast amount of eye liner around his eyes (Which makes him look totally manly, okay? Even manlier than Riku.) and a pumpkin mask that's somehow been attached to his hair (Welp. That solves that mystery. It's totally all that hair gel he uses to get it to spike like that that's keeping it in place.)

And the worst part? He's totally happy about the fact that he's dressed like that. Oh, and did I mention the fangs? Can't forget about those.]

This place is just like Halloweentown! Look, my clothes even changed!

[And then he pans down, showing off the outfit in it's full ridiculousness brilliance.]

I wonder if that means Jack and the others are here too. Hey! Maybe we can even find Santa Clause! Then everyone can meet him and all the non-believers can get back onto the nice list!

[Pride. He feels it.]

Hey Ven, wanna go exploring with me? After all, if the others are here, they can't hide from both of us!

[Plus, you know, if this really is Halloweentown or anything like it, there has to be a stash of candy around here somewhere. And everyone knows that's totally more important than Santa Clause.]

Oh, and Riku? Nice one. [Yep. He totally knows that was you. And guess what? He's not even mad. He's just going to lay in wait (Like Simba taught him in the Pridelands. Lay and wait for your prey. And you, Riku, are now his prey. Hope you enjoy that.) until he can find the perfect way to get you back.]

And don't worry, it'll just be our little secret. Promise.

[See that face? You can totally trust him.]


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