X22 | [VIDEO]

Sep 22, 2011 21:05

[The feed opens up to an adorable cheagle running a giant hamster wheel, his cheagle flab rippling in the wind as EYE OF THE TIGER plays in the background. Watch as he runs with all of his might, his little cheagle sweatband there for decoration because cheagles probably don't sweat]

[STILL. HE'S A RUNNING WITH ALL OF HIS CHEAGLE STRENGTH! But enough of that, the Guide is going to move and the camera is going to point at a very irate looking Jade]

As you can see, poor Mieu here has gained quite a bit of weight! And while I'm sure a vast majority of you find fat animals adorable, please consider this your final warning.

Ladies and gentlemen, you are no longer allowed to feed Mieu anything that isn't a fruit, vegetable or some sort of grass. If you do, I'm afraid I'll have to teleport into your room and stab you in the head.

Thank you very much.

jade curtiss, mieu

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