002 - Video

Sep 18, 2011 01:21

[See Byakuya.

See Byakuya turn on the Guide and then immediately...look down to start writing on a piece of paper, his hand moving slowly, but carefully, as he forms the words. They can't be seen from this angle, but it's clear from his efforts and concentration that whatever he's working on is important, at least to him.

After a moment, he stops, eyes scanning over the paper. And then he speaks.]

Renji. I hope you are finished letting your zanpakutou run about unchecked, or are no longer getting up to other such nonsense. If you are still alive, report in.

As for the other Shinigami, our lack of organization is astounding. We may not have a home anymore, but we are still a like group, are we not? Surely some duties cannot be so easily destroyed.

[And with a frown, he crosses something out and starts to write again, absently reaching out to shut off the device.]

kuchiki byakuya

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