Sep 08, 2011 23:40
[Gwendolen is seen shifting fretfully in front of a mirror, seemingly talking to herself. Her image in the mirror and smiling back in a wicked way, eyes glinting red]
"No...Cat...That's not the plan..."
The plan?
[The mirror image giggles.]
What plan? Oh, come on, Me - If you'd really meant to ever try saving him, you would have done it by now, right?
Oh, come on, it's too late for second thoughts or third thoughts or whatever you're having - Much too late. Gwendolen Chant, it is time to go.
"No - Yes - No, I don't want to -
Why not? The reason you came here in the first place was..."
But he's mine!
But you left him there, even though you knew that...
But he was always mine...
...No, actually. People, in the end, only belong to themselves. Then that means..
"But he was mine! How - How dare he..."
"Grow up, and stop doing everything you said, and become his own person? ...But that was beginning to happen anyway, you know...Even before we went to live with our dear Uncle. Right?"
"- Yes. Yes, it was. That was why I..."
[She put her hand to her head.]
"That was why you didn't even try to bring him with you, when we went to our new world. But Gwendolen?...Why didn't you try to bring the book of matches with you, at least?"
"Because..." She murmured. "Because I had no idea what would happen if I ever took Cat's lives that far away from where he was..."
"Because you were afraid for him. Even though you have always been using him, deep down inside you truly love him."
"Yes. My dear little brother... those powers and responsibility would have been too much for him, fragile thing he was. And I didn't want him to be affiliated with that uncle Daddy hated so..."
"Or was it because you were afraid? He was much more powerful than you. What if they found that out, and you who was so loved, would be left behind in the dust. You wanted that power for yourself, so they would keep on loving you, while you kept your now powerless little brother on your leash. But in the end, you were gladly going to let them kill him while you just watched. Oh, and don't forget, all the nasty mischief you caused those people.
They deserved it! They dared completely ignore me and my talents, treating me like a silly, stupid normal girl!"
So you were planning to run away to another world with a better chance of making your dreams come true, never mind the consequences of screwing up the order of the Series and randomly displacing other yous. [The reflection shrugs and looks off to another girl appearing in the mirror, who looks just like Gwendolen but with a sense that it's not her at all.] Just look at poor Janet over there, now stuck in an enviroment she has no understanding about, away from her family and friends, those who hate you think she's you. Of course she is a lousy replacement and likely to ruin your lovely reputation, but why should care? You left that world behind. But, it will catch up to you soon enough...
[And then she burst out crying and slams a fist into the mirror, cracking the glass.]
gwendolen chant