Aug 29, 2011 17:52

[ Guess what happens when you really want to type a private message but you suddenly don't have fingers anymore, and even so you're way too stubborn to give up half-way through?

I'll tell you what happens. You mess up. A lot.

The following was supposed to be private to Yoruichi-sama and Urahara... but when you're an obstinate pony ass and you insist on trying to type with your hoof, things like this happen, and instead Suì-Fēng sends the whole thing to the public network. ]

ther kittens are doingbnb well. i callede rhem yin and yang. [ Oh, shut up, her first idea had been to call them Black and White or Cat and Cat. This is eons better. ] picture.

i also have that picture ofh captain ukitakev you requested,.

[ And at last the post (accidentally? we'll never know) switches to audio. ]

This isn't Captain Ukitake! [ No shit. ] My deepest apologies, I'll--

[ Learn how to use the guide properly even with hooves... one day.

One day that clearly isn't today. The feed turns to video for a second, showing a very confused orange pony, and cuts off abruptly mid-sentence. ]


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