[Accidental Video]

Aug 28, 2011 15:01

[Seras doesn't notice the camera coming on as she glances through the stuff they're selling on the planet, largely some fluffy looking comic books (one has kittens on the cover) at the moment. An alien runs up behind her with a rather different sort of comic book in his outstretched hands. He calls out, waving excitedly.]

Seras Victoria! Would you sign this?

[She turns around, very confused at the pen and book being held out to her.]

What? Well, I suppose I could...

Thanks! Wait until I tell the guys!

[First though, she flips it open to see what she's signing and abruptly turns absolutely red and sputters, nearly dropping the book in her haste to close it.]

W-what in the hell is that?! I've never done any of those things!

So you're not going to sign it then?

[Seras flings the book from her hands.]

Of course I'm not! I should burn it!

Aw, come on. The guys'll never believe I met you if you don't.

[He picks the book up and tries to push it back into her hands with the pen. Guide clicks off right as the edge of the inside pages of the book come into view. Sorry Pip.]

seras victoria

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