[ Hello, Thorians. Today, you're being treated to a rather strange sight. Quatre's Guide is propped against the top of something that seems large and heavy. Every so often, it jerks back and forth a little. After a moment or two of this, a blond head appears from over the rim of whatever-it-is. There's another jostle and then a few sour-sounding notes are heard.
Seems like the large object is an old-fashioned, upright piano. One which Quatre is currently pulling across the ship. At this point, there are several options for people who either want to talk to him or interact with the piano-hauling pilot.
a. You can find Quatre outside the shopping center, surrounded by a group of aliens about half his height, all clamoring to take his picture for some reason.
b. You can run into him in the hallway, bearing his rather unusual cargo across the ship.
c. You can find him in the food court, sitting down to some tea. The piano is just sitting there behind him.
Eventually, he will make it to his destination, which is Miss Dorothy Catalonia's room. She wanted a piano performance and she's going to get one! And in case this scenario seems a bit familiar,
here's some musical reference. The actual song is not at all an ironic representation of this relationship.
Once he's standing outside her door, he turns to face the piano, belatedly realizing that not only is his Guide sitting on top of it, it's also on. He smiles sheepishly and reaches for it. ] I can't imagine that was very interesting to watch. I'm sorry! [ He waves, again a bit sheepishly, and terminates the feed. ]
[ Both action and video posts are 100% welcome! ]