
Aug 19, 2011 13:12

[The feed turns on to the sight of a small grey kitten pawing at the screen. Seemingly bored, she turns away, revealing a bedroom in the background. Another cat, this one older, with black fur and golden eyes, is settling on the middle of the bed.]

[A common enough scene.]

[Except, just as the cat gets settled, the bed starts to rumble and shake; vibrating for all it’s worth. The black cat leaps up with a shout, the voice gruff like that of an old man. If that wasn’t strange enough, its form begins to shimmer and glow in mid air, and in a matter of seconds it’s transformed to a naked woman with dark skin, black hair down to her hips, and wide, startled golden eyes.]

[Who is somehow clinging to the wall, staring down at the bed.]

What the hell.

Yoruichi-sama, is everything all ri--

[ As you can hear clearly in her voice, the person who just burst into the room is as puzzled as you could guess from finding a naked Yoruichi stuck on the wall à la Spiderman. ]

Uhm... maybe I should... leave you to...

[Yoruichi starts once more as Sui-Feng arrives, looking even more puzzled because dammit has she been hanging out in the hallway again? But first things first.]

There’s something wrong with this damn bed. It’s never done this befo--

[She breaks off, a murderous look suddenly crossing her face; she leaps down from the wall, and stalks past Sui-Feng into the living room, looking like a woman on a mission.]

Yoruichi-sama! Wait a moment please--! [ Suì-Fēng finally comes into view as she grabs the closest robe and hesitates just a split second before running after the very naked woman who just left, having spotted the guide and noticed it’s turned on.

She comes back soon after, giving the camera a downright murderous look before turning it off. ]

suì-fēng, shihouin yoruichi

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