VIDEO || Track 01 || I Hate the TV

Aug 17, 2011 04:32

[The feed clicks on, but the surroundings are probably unfamiliar to at least 99% of the Thor's inhabitants. That is, unless they have ever been inside their TV sets before, in which case, maybe they DO recognize what they're looking at. Space TV land is a strange place, but the basic glimpses are of a jungle, fuzzy from the bad reception, even though the vantage point is really high up. Somehow this guide has climbed an enormous tree.]

UGH, come on!

[A branch snaps and topples down, down, down, into that vast fuzzy place way below the camera's line of sight. The feed goes dark as a hand reaches out and grabs hold of it, stuffing it impatiently into a pocket. It stays dark for about 10 seconds, during which some grunting and whining can still be heard from the owner.]


[The world turns over in a bright, colorful whirl as the guide tumbles back out of that pocket, and someone tumbles along with it. There's a thump as a body lands beside the guide, but the camera isn't focused on the guide's owner yet. It's focused on an innocent bystander instead.]

[or not quite so innocent, really]

[Gintoki's face, as displayed by the Guide, is twisted into a visage of pure horror]

[a split second after the guide clatters to the ground, he has jumped up onto the couch, pointing at Yosuke, his lips moving (but with no sound passing through them)]

[the glorious silence, however, only lasts for a few seconds]


[Gintoki shifts his position on the couch, looking like he's ready to vault himself over the back of it at any minute]

No, no, no, no! Impossible! Is this what Jade meant by "Seven Days"?! Goddamn that half-ghost bastard! This is all his fault! I knew it! I knew he'd pull something like this! And YOU!

[the shaking finger and cracking pitch of his voice is, without a doubt, directed at Yosuke]

I knew it! You tried to trick me, but I knew it! You're a half-ghost too, aren't you?! You're Jade's spy, aren't you?!

[he reaches down to the coffee table, grabbing a half-opened candy bar and flinging it at Yosuke]

It's all I have! Take it! Take it all! Take it all and leave me be, half-ghost! If you destroy me, I'll only become a full ghost, with twice your power! I'll destroy you! So you'd better leave, do you hear me?! Do you hear me?!?!

[and rather than yelling, his tone starts to sound more and more like he's about to cry]

Just-- just take the chocolate! I have a China gorilla in the closet! Take that! Just leave my **** intact! I'm begging you! I've got nothing else!

[Luckily for everyone in the viewing audience, the candy bar bounces off the guide and the feed is cut before this gets really ugly. Because this is about to get really ugly.]

[OoC: Aside from being tl;dr this is also backdated, guys! Takes place a few hours before the Gardentasta. And you don't get colored text, Yosuke is just the whiny one and Gintoki is the freaking the fuck out one.]

yosuke hanamoron, sakata gintoki

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