† Twenty-Eighth Video

Aug 13, 2011 18:07

[And now, for a video post from the living room of Gin's condo (like he posts from anywhere else besides work)...]

Renji, just wanted to thank you for that favor the other day. I don't know what I would've done if you hadn't come along, you're a real life saver. Let me know if there's anything I can do to make it up to y- [he suddenly pauses because- what the hell is that strange mrt mrt mrt noise? Gin gets maybe half a second to start turning his head to try and find the source before-


With a strangled yelp, the angel goes flying off the couch and knocks the guide to the floor. The feed lasts a moment longer, just long enough to hear:] I AM GOING TO FUCKING BEAT YOU TO DEATH YOU SHITTY FEATHER DUSTER! [Before it dies.]

[Oh well, so much for master plans.]


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