01 ❁ [accidental video]

Aug 11, 2011 12:41

[The camera is zoomed far too close on the face of a girl, not more than 18, with sharp feline features and a cascade of messy dark hair. She's not crying, but there's no reason she won't be soon - she has that look to her, eyes very bright and mouth very firm. She is peering at a point just above the camera as if trying to figure out what, exactly, she's holding. When she realizes it's on she drops it with a little yelp.]

Bloody --! Warrior give me strength, what is this sorcery?

[Tentatively she picks up the device again and sets it on some sort of support just beyond her, so her face is full frame. Over her shoulder, flashes of other people can be seen. They don't so much as glance at her, even with her strange clothing. Her face hardens. She no longer looks like she's about to cry.]

I'd sooner deal with the fucking dragons.
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