Aug 08, 2011 01:17
[The video clicks on to a woman in her late teens, with very red hair and very green eyes and a very British sort of accent, clearing her throat in that slightly nervous way associated with public speaking. Working the Guide - turning it on anyway - was fairly easy, after looking over all the knobs. Lucky she'd been raised in a Muggle household; she wonders how some of her friends would manage it without their wands, and a smile twitches weakly at her mouth.]
Right, if any of that paperwork meant what I think it did, then there's a lot of people watching me talk right now. Er, sorry for interrupting. I'm...Lily, I was hoping some of you watching might be people I know, or maybe know something about them. I read the papers and all, but it's all a bit surreal, isn't it? After all those years at, and everything going on back home, that's saying something for us. So I suppose I was just trying to make sure eveything is still all in, you know...Order.
[She bites her cheek a bit - she highly doubted this was some elaborate Death Eater trick, given the lack of immediate gruesome death and torture, but it would be quite nice to know she wasn't stuck here alone at least.]
I suppose there's some way to find out what's what, I'm just...[a quick glance (or, as, some might call it, a grimace) back over her shoulder] well, don't feel quite comfortable enough just yet to muck around with this thing. These, er, Vogons - blimey, I thought trolls were bad. Right, anyway, James, if you're wandering around somewhere, pick up, yeah? Same for the rest of you lot - be nice to see a familiar face or two. This is mental.
[The smile this time is a bit brighter, though just as bemused, as she switches off the recording.]
lily evans