02 - [video]

Jun 29, 2011 17:11

[ the video shows a pale man in a labcoat in some jungle-encrusted corridor of the Thor - this guy again! The single emergency light in the ceiling offers just a little bit of light, but Shin himself seems to be generating some kind of very dim light somehow. This time, he's standing instead of floating, a few orange flowers that must have sprung up over the past few days growing on the wall behind him.

Surprisingly, he looks utterly unbothered by the heat and humidity. Unsurprisingly, he looks as stern and grumpy as ever. ]

... This situation is ridiculous. All of this technology, and yet those in charge of this ship continue to rely on that drive. There shouldn't be problems like this so predictably often.

[ he shakes his head vaguely, almost condescendingly. ]

There must be another way.


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