Transmission 15 [video]

Jun 24, 2011 01:30

[Heero enters the hangar with his dinky dog catching equipment, answering a call for a dog loose in the hangar, and hoping his dogs were not the ones causing trouble. (Heero probably idk bumped into the guide on his way in with his spandex butt. That's why it's on. Heero's fine butt.)]

[HOWEVER once he enters, all he sees is.. Fox 8|a]

…McCloud, you see any dogs around here recently? [He almost feels bad for asking this 8/a]

[Fox looks up from whatever mechanical doohickey he's working on 8|] Dogs? No, I haven't seen any around here.

That's strange… I got a call a few minutes ago for one… [MYSTERIOUS. He decides to actually read the report he got sent in for the job:]

…"Thinks he's people." .... [Awkward silence…]

If I see one, I'll let you know. [Of course Fox thinks nothing of it, being PEOPLE and all, and goes back to his work]

[…Continues reading description: 4' tall, red fur, …combat boots.]


[Fox looks up again. Why, did Heero need something else? What a needy fellow.] Hm?

[Well, this is going to be awkward. Strolls over, pulling out a leash. Hesitates. Looks from the leash to Fox and back.] …I think I have to take you in.

[Fox sort of. Stares at the leash. And Gives Heero his best "you best be joking" face] ...Excuse me?

Well. It seems the report is talking about you. [The most sympathetic look one is going to get from Heero when (dead) puppies are not involved.] Look, just come down the pound and fill out some paperwork, so I can at least tell them I 'caught' you, and then you can find the idiot responsible for the call. Deal?

Funny. Did Shinpachi put you up to this? [Obviously, Fox is not thrilled 8|]

[Heero does not blame you 8|a] I don't believe so. I'm sure I can find the caller for you in the report records, though. …Just don't maul them or I really will have to take you in.

Maul, really? [Fox just siiighed, wiping his hands off on a rag he had laying around] Fine, whatever. but you're not putting that leash on me.

Fine, fine. … I'll have to cuff you, then. [Holds up doggy handcuffs :c]

You must be joking. [This would be the second time in like a week that fox had been hand cuffed 8(]

[At least he doesn't have to wear the doggy cone.] Protocol.

[SNORT] Protocol. [But Fox will cooperate because he is super nice that way 8|]

[SIGHS and puts doggycuffs on with an understandingly grim expression (ps they are shock cuffs)] It'll only take an hour at most...

[lmao asshole] As long as it doesn't take too long.

Alright, let's get going. You'll be back here in no time.. [AND AWAY HE IS LED TO DOGGY PRISON FOR BOOKING and the guide magically shuts off and idk maybe heero grabbed it for fox because he's just a nice guy that way.

also heero is green and fox is not green]

heero yuy, fox mccloud

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