Jun 23, 2011 11:53
[The feed suddenly clicks on- it looks like the Guide's fallen to the floor. Those watching get a glimpse of Hilda and her Serperior, locked into a heated battle with...
a bench. An incredibly beat-up bench. If it helps, the Serperior looks just as confused about this as you probably feel.]
Alright, now hit it with a Slam! That should weaken it enough.
[The Serperior looks back at his trainer, but follows her orders. After that, she pulls out a Pokeball and chucks it at the bench. It, of course, just falls to the ground. There seem to be a few others lying around near it.]
Man, this is one stubborn Golett...
((ooc: So Hilda's under the influence of the Illusion Perfume, and thinks various inanimate objects are all Pokemon. Feel free to encounter her/get caught in the crossfire/ask wtf she's doing/be mistaken for a Pokemon yourself.))