三 冊 (video)

Jun 18, 2011 19:18

[It looks like Japan's at work when he films this video. Instead of appearing out of the side of the frame after a moment or something else equally roundabout, he's already sitting in front of the camera when it turns on. He's sitting up, shoulders squared.]

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it looks like someone delivered a package to my room this morning -- really, it was left outside the door -- and, I'll make a long story short, my room now smells like sunflowers. It's not a scent I'm really fond of, either.

[Pause.] Actually, I hate it. I'm really sorry about the perfume and I'll pay you back if it was yours. [...] I still don't understand why it has to be sunflowers....

[Clearly something is Very Wrong here. He tsks softly.] Unpleasant memories....

[ ooc; So, yeah. Japan got ahold of the assertive perfume and his brain-to-mouth filter has sort of broken a little. I apologize in advance for whatever horrible things might arise due to this. ]

japan (honda kiku)

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