[This is man-Loki, he's standing outside one of the local bars and restaurants and, if you're paying that close attention, you might notice he's even wearing the standard waitress apron.]
It's come to my attention that barmaids are generally better tipped than their male counterparts. Perhaps I should consider making a few simple aesthetic changes.
[His brow furrows, apparently considering this quite deeply.] I do however question if the rather lascivious comments made to my fellow waitstaff would be worth enduring. I suppose an experiment is in order.
[And with that, he shifts ever so slightly into a dark haired, light eyed, human-looking woman. She's not a great beauty, but cute enough to impress a few intergalactic barflies. When she speaks again, her voice is similar, but definitely feminine.] What is the Midgardian phrase? Ah, yes. Wish me luck.
Oh, and does anyone know why I might be missing shoes? It's the damnedest thing. I fell asleep with one complete spare set, and woke up with only a right boot. I'd rather not interrogate my roommates, but I just don't think I could've misplaced it.
[He (she?) gives an impressively irritated look at the screen before cutting the feed.]
((ooc note: Loki is responsible for the missing shoes. If you want more information, you can hit up
this post.))