Jun 11, 2011 21:56
[Here is Cynthia, comfortably positioned in her bed with a plethora of books around her. There are also a handful of Pokemon by her side, partially helping her plan her upcoming classes, but mostly just standing there for moral support. Excited as she might be, their trainer is also a little anxious.]
--and then a brief explanation of the ruins in Celestic town so we can finally we get to the Lake Trio! [She seems to have it all figured out for a second, but then she pauses, frowning just a little.] Hmm. But wait... I can't get to the Lake Trio without some solid historical background first, and I definitely should include the myth of creation before that, too-- but that won't be possible unless they have previous knowledge of Pokemon...
[Another pause, followed by a growl from Garchomp, a cue to earn Cynthia's attention.] This is difficult. I've never taught a whole classroom before, and most certainly not one where most students don't even know what you are...
[This is when Milotic tunes in with a cheerful hum, performing some kind of gracefully ornate cartwheel in midair.] Oh, what a great idea-- I'll use visual aids! Whatever would I do without you, Milotic?
[The Water-type Pokemon gives out another content hum before hovering closer for pets. The camera view then gets a little too bouncy, just as a series of toge-toge can be heard in the background. Guess who had been recording this all along?]
Ah, not that kind of visual aids, sweetheart. Although...
[High school students, don't be too surprised if you have a bunch of cutesy creatures as teaching assistants in your next class.]