May 27, 2011 22:03
A word of warning to those interested in partaking the Intestinal/Digestive Roller Coaster Tour on the planet:
If your stomach can't handle it, then don't participate. (Yes, pun noted. But not intended.)
The inner workings of the body aren't what many would call aesthetically pleasing. Expecting otherwise is naive; and even though it is amusing to see the look of horror on a tourist's face as the "stomach" area of the tour sloshes back and forth within a fake sea of half-digested mush, I'll admit it soon loses its novelty.
And subsequently passes into the realm of... sad predictability.
(In other words, I'd rather not have to speak up over the many noises associated with a group of nauseous spectators. That seems to be becoming a habit as of late.)
Food for thought.
(Pun still not intended.)
sherlock holmes