May 25, 2011 23:39

Short notice, but I've just gotten a go ahead from the channels through the Thorian Pilot's Association that grants me access to one of the long-distance cruisers for an extended period of time. It can run on as few as seven people in crew, but hold up to thirty pending folks don't mind closer quarters. There's a few contracts attached, as in deliveries and pick-ups to make related to trade affiliates with the S. S. Thor and the TPA itself, but outside of that, and being able to pick which of those contracts to take, we're looking at up to two months time out on our own course.

I'm looking for people interested in heading out with me. All refugees, and I'm hoping to find a few answers on other questions while we're out there. If we run the contracts efficiently, most that time will be ours to use how we see fit.

I've spoken with a few of you personally already. The timetable just got moved up -- if I want to take advantage of this we'll have to be leaving as soon as we're powered down from the IID at the next planet. It's short notice, I know, and I'm sorry about that.

Anyone interested in coming along, get in touch. I can see what lines up as far as other planets to try and see along the way, but we'll only be able to touch on a few. For other interests, talk to me. We'll maximize what we can do while we're out there.

[ Filtered to Konoha Shinobi + Sasuke (- Itachi, - Kabuto, + Karin, + Killer Bee); ]

It's a chance to be sure about home. I've got the routes that'll work for us, and for whatever the ship politics needs to make it happen.

I'm taking this chance, if it happened sooner than I was thinking possible. I'm sorry for the short notice.

[ ooc: The sign up post is here and closes midnight PST tomorrow. Likewise the list of potential events will go up tomorrow for voting! ]

haruno sakura

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