
May 17, 2011 12:25

[This month Yoruichi is delivering sex bombs, in her stylish delivery uniform.]

[What are sex bombs you ask?]

[They’re about the size of a grapefruit and are either pink and sparkly or gold and sparkly]

[When broken open, one finds either pink or gold sand. At first it seems harmless, filling the room with a pleasant scent--somehow the scent is always the recipients’ favorite. But they'll eventually discover that the smell of the pink sand makes you want everyone while the gold sand makes everyone else want you.]

[This is all detailed in the fine print on the instructions, but who ever reads those?]

[Maybe you ordered one. Maybe someone ordered one for you. Maybe there was a mixup entirely.]

[Regardless, there is now a knock at your front door, and a less than enthusiastic deliverywoman waiting for a response.]

Sex bomb delivery.

(ooc: Feel free to have your character answer their door, broadcast the delivery over the guide, what have you! Also, Yoruichi has a stalker former bodyguard who is still very protective!! So threadjacking is likely. XD)

shihouin yoruichi

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