accidental (?) audio - 4

May 09, 2011 22:12

[The sound comes on with a small tap, as if something pecked the button with a tiny beak. There's some slight shuffling moving in different directions, like something small was circling the device, observing it.]


[A bit of silence, and then, flapping noises]

PUUUUU~! P-Puupuupuup-puu!

OI, Puu! How many times have I told you to leave the damn Guide alone? Sheeesh...

[The sound of footsteps approach, and there is suddenly an increase of flutters and small PUUUUS, as the noise gets further away]

Tch', how the hell did you even learn how to turn this thing on?

[There's a thoughtful pause at that, as if debating something.]

...might as well, since it's already recording anyway.

Hey, Thor guys? How do you...apologize to someone? Even if you were the one hurt in the first place? Or...damn, apologize isn't the right word... make up with someone so things aren't so awkward? Convince them you don't hate them, that is. Or...

...screw it, I'm not good with this.

[and the feed cuts out]

yusuke urameshi

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