May 05, 2011 00:09
-and I'm saying that there are better methods than simply exterminating them.
[The Guide seems to have caught Sakuya in the middle of a rather heated discussion with her employer, a large, corpulent alien with a "Clark Exterminators" uniform on]
Hey, bats fly, we fry, bats die. That's how the job's done; I don't see why you're trying to make it so complicated.
Cultural and symbolic reasons aside [Such as them being her master's favorite animal for obvious reasons] bats are generally insectivores and therefore actually quite helpful in keeping down the numbers of real pests, so you do little good by waging small-scale genocide against them.
You talk like there's a functional ecology on this ship; look, we get paid to kill roaches, we kill roaches. We get paid to kill tentacle-rats, we kill tentacle-rats. We get paid to kill bats? Well, we kill bats.
No, we get paid to remove them from the premises of the establishment and ensure they do not return. Which I am saying we can do without killing them.
Well, of course you can but do you know how much time that would take?
Fortunately for you, time I something I have plenty of.
[Suddenly, BATS. Specifically, Sakuya is holding up two of them by their feet. They look startled but unharmed as they flap about and squeak]
HOLY-! How the hell did you just-
Now, think that if I can get bats from point A to point B, wonder if I can get knives from point C to point I.
...yeah, you know what? You can handle all the bat requests you want, lady. But if the jobs ain't done perfectly-
They will be.
sakuya izayoi