Event end!

May 01, 2011 19:37

[The expected (and dreaded?) click of the intercom sounds, and there is a mousy voice, clearing its throat.]

Ahem. Well, I hope everyone's said goodbye properly, because we're disengaging from the Sif momentarily.

[A pause]

We hope everyone had a nice visit.

[Another pause]

We'll be leaving the Improbability Drive off and engaging our hyperdrive warp engines to complete the journey to our next destination. We're estimating the remainder of the trip to last somewhere between 24 and 28 hours. Naturally, we'll let you know when we arrive.

[And the feed ends]

OOC Info:

× This is your cursory Activity Check reminder! April is over, but you've still got through Saturday, May 7th to post your links, at which point we'll begin tallying Activity for April. If you haven't commented yet, please take a moment to do so now, and remind your friends to comment too!

× If you want to upgrade a character's pay level or move them into a new room, the Monthly Promotions Post is up and waiting for tags! We'll keep checking back for new comments through Monday, May 2nd, so if you'd like to update and haven't yet commented, you've still got some time!

× We'll be arriving at our May planet tomorrow evening (as the Captain said, roughly 24-28 hours from now). Monthly missions will also be posted at that time, so...keep an eye out!

× The Bi-monthly HMD will happen on Sunday, May 15th. As always, participation is optional, but we're reminding you now so you can prepare, if you'd like!

× LASTLY! We would like to compile an IC refugee passenger list for the S.S. Sif. If you or someone you know participated in the event, please respond to this post with the character's name(s), LJ username(s), and canon(s), like so:

Commander [Jane] Shepard // ibetminesbigger [Mass Effect 2]

That's it for now! Thank you to everyone who offered their thoughts and opinions on problems encountered and suggesting improvements for later (much later, no worries!), similar events! (Also, if you would still like to throw us some feedback, the post for that is here <3)

!fourth wall boarding, !mod post

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