023 • [accidental video] [backdated a day]

Apr 20, 2011 23:42

[Surprise Thor! You get a video of a little white cat chasing a foxtail.]

[And while you're wondering how Chii was able to carry around her Guide this whole time, she'll be busy running around trying to catch the bloody thing.]

[Alright, one more time.]

[The tail finally sits still long enough for one of Chii's pouncings to finally work. Success! Purring and batting her toy around, the provider of tonight's entertainment finally gets a little screentime.]

[And it's Raidou. He just so happened to find Chii walking around so, well that's the rest of that story. The other cat in the video, Gouto, looks a bit less than pleased with the whole development.]

[A slight clinking sound manages to get Chii's attention away from the foxtail. It's a saucer of something white, more than likely cream, freshly laid out in Chii's proximity. Far more curious than she is cautious, Chii leaves the tail behind to see what this was. She takes a moment to stare a bit at the cream, not really sure what to do with it.]

[She sniffs a bit at it, a drop or two landing on her nose. Licking it off, Chii seems to get it.]


[Chii happily drinks the cream, looking a bit awkward as she stands over the saucer. Like any second she'll-]

[-Slip in. Face first. In a bowl of cream.]

[Backing off a bit, Chii tries to paw herself clean, again, still not looking all that natural while doing so. Raidou, ever the vigilant one, calmly wipes Chii's face with a towel. Not really expected, but hey, it's very much appreciated. Chii happily purrs again and rubs up against Raidou.]

[And Gouto's going to choke a bitch.]

chii, raidou kuzunoha the xiv

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